Sunday 25 December 2016

Global Issue of Population

In the world today there is various places with a varieties of mindsets of peoples with their corresponding languages. Each place has its own symbolism and cultural creativity. The term 'Modern Homo Sapiens' emerged around 50,000 years ago. Its subspecies is called as 'Modern Homo Sapiens Sapiens'.

Facts & Figures

At present the total number of humans alive today is around 7 billion. The total number of humans ever born is 108 billion. So basically, at present there is roughly about 6.5% of total human beings alive today. If we see a history profile of population, rate of growth of population decreasing due to global 'demographic transition'. 

Presently the key issues with developed countries is about the ageing of populations. For example in America, there is no social security benefits left by the time the people reach their retirement. The declining profile of birth rates suggest that fewer young people left to pay for the care of elderly. That's exactly happens in almost every countries of Europe and Japan.

Demographic Dividend

Younger people are usually considered as economic gift for countries. When the working-age- population (15 to 64 years) is larger than the non- working age population group, then there is usually a boost in economic activity, productivity and many such things. China is the best example of this part. 

Now this 'demographic dividend' will become 'demographic disaster' due to lack of jobs among young age population. It also worsened the economic aspect of any country. For example Sub-Saharan Africa is already one of the youngest regions in world & youth unemployment is high. Brazil economic activity is adversely collapsed due to 'demographic disaster'.
So if its is assume that there is only 100 people in the world then the ratio of male over female is 50 : 50. Out of 100 peoples, 26 will be children and 74 adults. In terms of literacy - 83 will be literate and 77 has their own houses. From religious outlook, there would be 33 Christians, 22 Muslims, 14 Hindus, 7 Buddhists, 12 others and 12 atheist. 


In context of India, some pluses and corresponding some minuses are associated. India is 7th largest nation by landmass occupying 2.4% of world land & second largest by population supporting 17.4% of world population and still growing.Out of which 68% are rural population still now.  By the end of 2050, India will have a population of around 165 crores. Now this create a big difference and a big challenge too. Women empowerment is not yet done as compared to other countries which suggest the key issue of population in India.

But India have a large working age population group and more than 50% people are below the age of 35 years. It will be also predicted that by the end of 2020, Indian average age will be 32 years of age which is definitely be a 'demographic dividend' for us.  

Globally, Japan has become the oldest nations of world having an average of around 46 years with 23% of population over 65 years.

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