Sunday 8 January 2017

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that discussed for our future as well as for our present too. This is a revolutionary thing that changed our life completely. In the upcoming fourth Industrial Revolution, IoT will be a key component for every big companies of every sector. It's a change from Anytime, Anywhere & Anybody- to- Anything.


IoT creates a world where physical objectives seamlessly integrated into information network and can easily became a part of business processes. The concept is very simple. Its about the connecting devices to the Internet with an ''On or Off Switch''. 
It refers to a wireless connection between objects enables the Internet to reach out into real world of physical objects. For example- adjusting your heating via an app can gather a useful data. That's why Google had purchased the Nest (Thermostat Company).

How it works!!

IoT is a scenario where humans, animals or objects are given a unique sensors and identifiers. They can transfer data over a network without human-to-human or human-to-machine contact. Three things made it possible for its working- Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems, Wireless Technology and Internet which finally create a machine-to-machine interface. Sensors combined with smartphones, will allow for more efficient energy networks (across cities and in your homes), reduced congestion and improved transport, multi use buildings etc. 
Houses, offices, factories and public buildings could all generate electricity from renewable sources. Sensor would then coordinate the distribution and storage of this power, making whole systems cleaner, more efficient and more stable. For example- South Korea's Smart City-Songdo and Grogniem in Holland use internet enabled dustbins that saves money regularly. 

Internet to Datanet

IoT provides real-time, location specific information, environmental & infrastructure activities information. All this creates a net of data which further be monitored and available to public also. This huge data created by IoT converts in 'Big Data' which will not be an easy task to handle by normal data methods and tools.

So It's Great then??

IoT has potential to make our lives better. It has efficient heating systems that could save us money, transport apps could save our time, new electric grid system could help to save the planet. But for its greatness then the answer is a NO, because it has some kinds of challenges associated with it. 
First- Social Challenges:
(a) Each connected device in theory become a risk & possible target for hackers. Like the criticisms of Demonetisation is about the security of the data. That's why Govt. had brought CERT- Computer Emergency Response Team.
(b) Privacy of individual is at stake at multiple levels. Consider a Smart Electricity Meter that knows your electricity use & typical times you are at home. All this could be available to hackers. This is called as privacy breachness.
(c) Machine guiding every aspect of our human lives. Simply saying we are addicted to machines. In other terms, we are became slaves of machines. According to me, Smartphones with all time on Internet devices make the person of less scientific temper because operating a smartphone is a process-driven system. The individual had not put his/her mind to operate it. He/she had to follow some steps, that's why I usually says ''The Smarter is your phone, the more dumber you are''.

Second - Governance Challenges: IoT will require legislation for security purpose of data. For this some amendments had to be brought in the constitution for preserving the Fundamental Right of an individual. Entire new governance structure will be needed. (The biggest challenge for PM Modi for his Smart City Project) Huge growth of electronic waste & environmental issues.

Good Bye to Pure Manufacturing

Earlier, great manufacturing meant making of great physical goods. A huge change is now that physical products are being stuffed with sensors & are being connected to Internet. So products becomes Products + Services (Change No.1).
Services run on information and information needs an operating system (Change No.2). So if a giant software & Internet company controls this operating system then manufacturers will lose all their edge. This transition had happened earlier when PC & Handsets makers lost their edge to windows or IOS/Android (Creative Destruction Theory by Schumpeter). 
The self-driven cars of Google moon shot venture Alphabet, Amazon Web Services and finally the Boss of Manufacturing - Germany's new program of ''Industrie 4.0'' are its fine examples. In upcoming fourth Industrial Revolution will be full of most amazing things like IoT and by the end of 2030 it will be a completely different world. Link of Songdo Smart City in South Korea

Video of IoT- A must Watch


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