Saturday 26 November 2016


The key question before societies is ‘’how to divide its resources among its citizens’’. This question has led to many concepts fundamental to modern society like welfare state, communism, socialism, capitalism etc. Today’s prominent global model is ‘’Capitalism’’ with the West is the icon and China and India are its eager followers.

Image result for capitalismDefinition

Capitalism is a socio-economic system where private persons own and control capital assets, labor is purchased for money wages, capital gains and profit goes to private investors and price mechanism is used to allocate capital goods between users.

Critics of Capitalism

The German philosopher Karl Marx (1818-1883) founded the basis of ‘’communism’’ as an alternative to ‘’capitalism’’. Marxist book – ‘’Das Kapital’’ stressed upon three aspects:
  •  Capitalism leads to social inequality.
  • It creates market monopolies.
  • It forms the basis of Imperialism

Image result for thomas pikettyThomas Piketty - Capitalist in 21st Century 

In Western countries like US, UK, France the debate on rising inequality has assumed to be center stage. The fear is that very small segment of society – Plutocrats will own everything and everyone else will force to work for them or rent for them.
Piketty predicts that forces of capital accumulation will makes society less equal, less mobile and less democratic. He says that rich never have been the rich have today and he reaffirms the debate 1% v/s 99%. Using public data like tax records, inheritance records etc., he has analysed inequality. His key concept is R > G (Rate of return on capital > Growth rate of economy) or Income from investment will be greater than growth rate of salaries. Hence capital tends to grow faster than the economy and left unchecked the ratio of wealth to income will keep rising.
Many jobs have been automated by robots and search engines. The rise of India and China has added another 2 billion people to global workforce who are low wage workers.

Critics of Thomas Piketty

Even if R>G capital may not accumulate indefinitely. Capitalist can spend it, give it away or divide among heirs. Thus if cheap labor force willing to work on your new machinery found then return on investment will be good or else low. Hence robots!!

The Great Thinkers

Adam Smith (Scottish 1723-1790) 

He opposed the Mercantilism thought and propounded the’’ Classical School of Economics’’.
Image result for adam smith
His key books – Wealth of Nation (1776), Theory of Moral Sentiment (1759).
He is father of Modern Economics and Capitalism. He gives two theories as:
Comparative Advantage Theory : It is profitable for two nations to trade even if one of them is more efficient. This concept is the basis of all trade today. For example David Riccardo made law by this and formed WTO.
Invisible Hand Theory : The individual pursuit of profit and self-interest unintentionally produces collective goods for society.

Image result for john maynard keynesJohn Maynard Keynes (British 1883-1946) 

When things go bad like a world war or recession then capitalism takes a long time to recover. For example Great Depression (1930). Hence people stops spending, consumption decreases so production and jobs also decreases. Thus govt. needs to step in with a big ‘’Fiscal Stimulus and Pump-Priming’’ is required.
Keynesian economics- Promote demand, fight unemployment and fight deflation.

Image result for milton friedmanMilton Friedman (USA 1912-2006) 

He is father of ‘’Neoclassical economics’’. He says that social responsibility of business is to use its resources and engage its actions that produced profits. He support the ‘’Privatisation’’. His key followers- President Donald Regan of USA and Prime Minister Margret Thatcher (UK).
Image result for 99 vs 1 percent 

Sunday 20 November 2016

Entrepreneurs: Need of India


Image result for entrepreneur
It is all about to identifying gaps and problem in the existing system and offering effective, profitable solutions to plug the same. As per Peter F. Drucker the objective of any business enterprise is ‘’serving - customers - profitably’’. For example
Huge mass of online data, growing continuously and people trying to find something useful = Problems.
Search Engines = Solutions
Google = Precise Solutions
Adwords and Adsense = Profitable Solutions

Concept of Risk

Risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives. Uncertainty includes events which may or may not happen. Here are some points for the life of an entrepreneur.
(a) Taking risk is an integral part of being an entrepreneur.
(b) Entrepreneur takes risk while managers and administrators expect a structured environment.
(c) Uncertainty of can be three types
Risk – It is measurable statistically
 Ambiguity – It is hard to measure statistically.
True Uncertainty – Impossible to predict statistically.

Creative Destruction Theory 

Image result for creative destruction
Schumpeter (1883-1950) was an Austrian American economist who gives the theory of ‘Creative Destruction’. He said that the success of capitalism will lead to corporatism and creation of hostile elite. But the gale of this theory will bring superior innovations to replace in whole or impart inferior products that already exist. Like Facebook and Whatsapp.
This theory will be responsible for long term economic growth. Entrepreneur will be the catalyst for business change. As per Schumpeter existing technology can be intelligently modified to create whole new products and services


Entrepreneur can alone act in team or in group. They can exhibit both positive and negative trades. Positive trades are : Clearly define goal, Mission above self, Innovation mindset, Solution finder, Team player.
Negative trades are : Excessive aggression, Blind to other needs, Too focused on the goals.

Need of India 

In 2015, PM Modi has launched ‘’Startup India, Standup India’’. Each of 1.25 lacs bank branches should find atleast one Dalit or Adivasi entrepreneurs and at least one woman entrepreneur each. It relates to our Indian Economy directly as follows:
(a) We will soon be the biggest nation in the world with majority being youth.
Image result for startup india standup india(b) As of now approximately 10 lac youth entering in the workforce each month which implies that 1.2 crores every year.
(c) Services sector is our prime but it is very poor employer of the people.
(d) India manufacturing sector is very small.
(e) Formal skills development is still in its infancy.
(f) The four numbers magic of Indian Economy that is
     65(Agriculture%)- 35 (Non- Agri)
                                    15 (Organized Sector)
                                    85 (Unorganized Sector)

Moral of the story- India needs more Entrepreneurs !!!!!